Plant protein detonates the nutritional beverage market, and the plant protein market has a bright future

Recently, according to relevant media reports, the online sales of plant protein beverages have been very eye-catching in recent years, and the plant protein beverages on multiple online shopping platforms have ushered in huge growth. Data show that at present, the compound growth rate of plant protein drinks is the first among all kinds of drinks worldwide, and has continued to grow steadily since 2007.

organic-plant-proteinIn recent years, plant protein beverages, the new darling of the beverage industry, have begun to enter people’s lives. Plant protein beverages are very popular both online and offline. In addition to the common soy milk, almond milk, and walnut milk, various grains including oats and quinoa are also made into drinks. Since plant-based foods do not have cholesterol and lactose, they are less burdensome to eat and are therefore considered a healthier choice.plant-protein

Last year, sales of non-animal milk in the United Kingdom increased by 28.3%, and plant protein beverages in the United States increased by 5%, while milk sales increased by only 0.1% during the same period. Plant protein foods and beverages are rapidly developing from niche products to mass products in the European and American markets. Today, the trend of plant protein beverage consumption is taking shape and is developing rapidly.

Now we provide a variety of organic plant proteins, such as soy protein, hemp protein, rice protein, pumpkin seed protein, sunflower seed protein, etc. They are not only excellent beverage ingredients but also can be used in other food processing industries.

ORGANICPROTEIN has been committed to providing organic vegetable protein products and professional vegetable protein consulting services to customers around the world for many years. In the face of this trend, we will continue to control product quality, strictly implement organic product management standards, bring the best products to customers, and truly grow with customers and witness their success together.